Sunday, October 20, 2013

6 Months and Runnin'!!

Today, October 20th marks the 6th month Sonic Prologue has been in production!
So to celebrate, I created a special piece of artwork. 

-Doryan Nelson (Writer and Director) 

Sunday, October 6, 2013

New Recruit!

Hey there everyone! It's been a wild ride since the trailer's been released!
So far the video itself, from all sources in total has received 10,000+ views, loaded with comments and likes! Everyone seems to be very excited and wanting to see more, and it just so happens that we have an update for you all today!

Chris and I were interviewed! TailsChannel owner, Matt Mannhiemer expressed his interest in our movie and not only did he interview us, but is now working with us as our Marketing Agent for movie, to really make sure we have all the connections we need to make Sonic Prologue a big success!

If you'd like to see the interview, check it out here
We answer questions concerning the movie as well as show some extra footage the trailer didn't show ;)

If you want to visit Matt Mannhiemer's: TailsChannel, click here!

Our next update will be featured VERY soon! Keep a look out!

-Doryan Nelson (writer & director)